Hot Climbing How-Tos

How To: Tie the Water Knot with a knot tying animation
Learn how to tie the Water Knot for climbing. This animated knot tying tutorial is the best you'll find. With this knot tying how to, you can tie the Water Knot fast or slow, or pause it at every step along the way. Learn to tie knots for your next climbing trip. Tie the Water Knot with a knot tying animation.

How To: Tie the Blake's Hitch knot with a knot tying animation
Learn how to tie the Blake's Hitch Knot for climbing. This animated knot tying tutorial is the best you'll find. With this knot tying how to, you can tie the Blake's Hitch Knot fast or slow, or pause it at every step along the way. Learn to tie knots for your next climbing trip. Tie the Blake's Hitch knot with a knot tying animation.

How To: Indoor climb on a rock wall
Indoor climbing provides year-round opportunities for climbers. Sheltered from the weather, the climber can practice in a controlled environment while receiving instruction. Learn how to indoor climb in this climbing video tutorial. Take action: focus on your footwork, stay relaxed, and remember to breathe. Josh, the instructor in this how-to video from Live Strong, is an avid climber that resides off the coast in central California. He has managed for a mountaineering sports company for seve...

How To: Use carbineers for rock climbing
Carabineers come in different types, which are used for different purposes. There are various levels of rating for every carabineer. Learn how to choose and use carabineers in this climbing video tutorial. Take action: buy the right carabineer, buy locking carabineers, and keep carabineers clean. Josh, the instructor in this how-to video from Live Strong, is an avid climber that resides off the coast in central California. He has managed for a mountaineering sports company for several years a...

How To: Use quick draws while rock climbing
Quick draws link the climbing rope to the rock wall. Numerous quick draws are used during any climb. Learn how to use quick draws in this climbing video tutorial. Take action: climb with caution, use 6 to 20 quick draws, and solidify the climbing route. Josh, the instructor in this how-to video from Live Strong, is an avid climber that resides off the coast in central California. He has managed for a mountaineering sports company for several years and loves the sport.

How To: Use belays for rock climbing
Belays enable climbers to stop fellow climbers during a fall. Therefore, belays are an essential safety device in climbing. Learn how to use belays in this climbing video tutorial. Take action: use a high friction rope device, have a large carabineer, communicate with partner, and consult your local outdoor store. Josh, the instructor in this how-to video from Live Strong, is an avid climber that resides off the coast in central California. He has managed for a mountaineering sports company f...

How To: Use ascenders for rock climbing
Ascenders are one of the types of equipment used in aid climbing. Ascenders allow the climber to maintain his progress when taking a break. Learn how to use ascenders in this climbing video tutorial. Take action: consult your local store, attach with carabineer, and use teeth to create gripping friction. Josh, the instructor in this how-to video from Live Strong, is an avid climber that resides off the coast in central California. He has managed for a mountaineering sports company for several...

How To: Use grip savers for rock climbing
Grip savers, or finger-strengthening devices, help prepare a climber for the strength and endurance challenges of climbing. There are a variety of devices and exercises that can strengthen a climbers hands. Learn how to use grip savers in this climbing video tutorial. Take action: squeeze a tennis ball, strengthen fingers to keep balance, and follow good diet and exercise. Josh, the instructor in this how-to video from Live Strong, is an avid climber that resides off the coast in central Cali...

How To: Use harnesses while rock climbing
A climber needs to consult with an expert when choosing and fitting harnesses for rock climbing. Different harnesses have different uses and features. Learn how to use a harness for rock climbing in this climbing video tutorial. Take action: use a harness, go with a trusted partner, and adjust the harness accordingly. Josh, the instructor in this how-to video from Live Strong, is an avid climber that resides off the coast in central California. He has managed for a mountaineering sports compa...

How To: Use a climbing rope for rock climbing
Climbing rope is a rock climber's lifeline. A specialty retailer can help you choose the correct climbing rope for your purposes. Learn how to use and care for climbing rope in this climbing video tutorial. Take action: determine where and when you will be climbing, keep rope coiled in cool, dry environment, and use rope wash is an excellent way to keep rope free of debris. Josh, the instructor in this how-to video from Live Strong, is an avid climber that resides off the coast in central Cal...

How To: Use prusicks and cordelettes for rock climbing
Cordelletes, slings and prusicks are three of the more specific-use elements of rock climbing equipment. Learn how to use prusicks, slings and cordelettes in this climbing video tutorial. Take action: slings can be used to clip gear or set up anchors, prusicks are back-up descending device, and use a cordelette for anchor or for prusick. Josh, the instructor of this how-to video from Live Strong, is an avid climber that resides off the coast in central California. He has managed for a mountai...

How To: Tie a Girth Hitch/Lark's Foot knot for rock climbing
The Girth Hitch or Lark's Foot knot is only suggested as a means of attached slings to a harness while rock-climbing. As the knot reduces the strength of the sling, it's not intended for attaching two slings together. Watch this video rock climbing tutorial and learn how to tie a Girth Hitch or Lark's Foot knot.

How To: Self rescue from a crevasse using two Prussiks
This guy does an awkward job of showing you how to set up two prussiks to ascend a rope. However you can take what you need to the climbing gym and have some thing to practice. Remember you have to practice this stuff a bit at least. Out on a glacier it is no longer crevasse rescue practice it's just crevasse rescue. So check out this climbing tutorial video and practice your safety techniques and learn how to self rescue from a crevasse using two Prussiks.

How To: Ascend with prussik and garda hitch
This is just a demonstrational video of someone climbing using basic climbing equipment. Check out how to ascend with a prussik and garda hitch. This video is great for mountain climbing aficionados. For more detail look up the other crevasse self rescue videos.

How To: Get ready for glacier travel while climbing
Check out this instructional climbing video that illustrates how to get ready for glacier travel while climbing. Learn everything you needed to know to properly prepare for a safe glacier trip. This tutorial video offers crevasse rescue tips and safety precautions. Follow along with this video and get ready to glacier travel and crevasse hunt.

How To: Lower off the top while climbing
A great percentage of sport climbing accidents happen after the climber reachs the anchor. Next to belayer miscommunication not having a system is the next killer.

How To: Set up the ascent system for crevasse self rescuing
Check out this instructional climbing video that demonstrates how to set up the ascent system for crevasse self rescue. Hooking up the prussik is the subject of this video and stops at the second ascender required for upward mobility. Watch all the crevasse self rescue series and you may get the hang of this. It is best to practice this somewhere dry and safe before the real thing happens. When you are in the hole things get tougher.

How To: Daisy chain Prussik to harness for glacier travel
Check out this instructional climbing video that demonstrates how to daisy chain a Prussik to a harness for glacier travel. Setting your prussik up for glacier travel is the flavor of today. Paul shows us a quick simple way to daisy chain off your spare prussik cord. This stuff is well worth setting up before it is required. Often when you are in a hole things get awkward the more stuff set up the better your chances of getting yourself out.

How To: Self rescue from a crevasse while climbing
This is just a short climbing tutorial that demos what happens just after you go into the crevasse. Ditching the pack is easy if you have pre-hooked the pack to harness. The nest step is securing yourself with a prussik and getting it ready to use as a stirrup. But as we see, practice practice practice. Check out this instructional climbing video that offers some self rescue tips from a crevasse while climbing. These are good safety tips and procedures to learn.

How To: Tie a hitch knot
Get free knot tying instructions for tying various types of hitches, including the half hitch, clove hitch, timber hitch, and bunt hitch in this free video series of knot tying directions.

How To: Tie knots and coil climbing rope
Learn how to tie climbing knots and how to care for climbing ropes in this free mountaineering video.

How To: Adaptive rock climb
Learn about adaptive rock climbing for paraplegic rock climbers, rock climbers with autism, and young rock climbers in this free video on adaptive rock climbing.

How To: Make a rope back pack
This video demonstrates an easy way to carry your rope, or make a rope backpack. This video is actually shot on the side of a mountain. You will have to listen closely because there is some wind in the mic. Step by step instructions are given on how to make a rope back pack.

How To: Rescue someone from a crevasse
ACMG Ski Guide Cliff Umpleby discusses how to build a T-Slot anchor using ice axe and skis. Once you have your anchor, learn how to use it to rescue someone from a crevasse. Part two demonstrates transferring the load onto the anchor and escaping the system. Part three demonstrates checking the victim and droppping a loop for a 2:1 pulley system. Part 4 demonstrates creating a Z Pulley for 6:1 advantage.

How To: Rope up for glacier travel
ACMG Ski Guide Cliff Umpleby discusses various aspects of roping up for glacier travel. Learn how to space out your party and keep everyone at safe distances.

How To: Reverse the crevasse rescue system to lower a victim
This video demonstrates how to reverse the rescue system so that you can lower a victim to safety.

How To: Tie a man harness knot
How to tie a man harness knot is demonstrated in this video.

How To: Tie a retraced figure eight knot
How to tie a retraced figure eight knot is shown in this video.

How To: Tie a figure eight knot
How many hours have you spent trying to fish a lost drawstring out of a waistband or hood? Master this Figure Eight stopper knot and you'll never have that problem again.

How To: Use a climbing ratchet
Learn what a climbing ratchet is and how to use one when climbing.

How To: Rappell using a prussik knot
How to use a prussik knot to provide you with extra safety when rappelling down a cliff.

How To: Hook up a rappelling device
Hooking up a rappelling device and a prussik knot backup for use when rappelling down a cliff.

How To: Tie a rappelling knot
How to tie a knot known as the Euro death knot and a fisherman's knot for use when rappelling when climbing.

How To: Rack ice screws
A quick and dirty tip on racking ice screws. It is good to have your screws racked on something stable if you are climbing steep ice.

How To: Tie into the middle of a rope when ice climbing
An overview of how to tie into the middle of the rope when ice climbing.

How To: Coil a coiling rope using the butterfly coil
Coiling a rope in such a way that you can use it for a backpack. The butterfly is a real quick simple method of coiling up your rope so that you can transport it and keep your hands free.

How To: Take in coils when climbing
As the terrain changes in the mountains you will often have to change rope lengths to max out your safety. It is common to travel a good distance apart on a glacier or use large amounts of rope when dealing with technical terrain. However when traveling together on a ridge it is often safer and faster for both climbers to take in a few coils.

How To: Build an ice anchor
This video covers the basics of building an ice anchor when ice climbing. The key is to have a good plan of where to build your anchor.

How To: Tie a double 8 on the bite knot
If you are using a 7mm prussik cord to build your anchor you must learn this knot. This knot can be used to beef the attachment point.

How To: Create a T-slot snow anchor with skis
Every ski tourer that wanders on a glacier should watch this video. The basic procedure for building a snow anchor to perform crevasse rescue.