Eeverst isn't for armatures. If you have the ambition of climbing Mt. Everest you will have to do a lot of preparations including physical fitness work, travel arrangements, not to mention putting aside thousands of dollars to make your dream a reality.
You may not be able to move mountains, but they can move you. Standing at the top of the world after an extremely challenging climb can be a profound experience.
Step 1: Start saving
Start saving your pennies – climbing Everest is not only a challenging expedition, but also an expensive one. You'll need about $60,000 to make your dream of standing at the top of the world a reality.
Step 2: Get in shape
Get in shape by running 5 to 10 miles a day, preferably uphill, for at least 12 months prior to your climb. Lift weights to build your upper body strength.
Step 3: Practice
Practice on an easier mountain – both to build your experience and confidence, and to get your body used to exertion at high altitudes.
Step 4: Join an expedition
Join an expedition when you are ready to tackle Everest. This will be a large portion of your expense, but some of your equipment is provided and climbing with a group makes for a safer experience.
Step 5: Purchase gear
Purchase all the gear that your expedition does not provide. This will include clothing, boots, sleeping bags, and more.
Step 6: Prepare mentally
Prepare yourself mentally. Visualize a successful climb, while understanding how hard it is going to be physically and mentally.
Step 7: Get started
Tackle the mountain. Conserve your energy and your oxygen for the long haul, follow best safety practices, and stick with the group.
Step 8: Brag about it
Brag to anyone who will listen. You've been to the top of the world and lived to tell about it.
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